Tuesday 10 December 2013

Poster Audience Research

To find out what our audience is looking for, we showed a number of people around our target age group some romantic film posters and asked them a set of questions. These were the posters and questions:

1. What genre do these belong to and what do you think the film is about?
2. Which title font do you think is most effective and why?
3. How does the use of text affect whether you want to see the film? For example in Like Crazy they use a lot more text than that of the poster for The Lucky One - are you more likely to want to see Like Crazy or The Lucky One? Does it affect you?
4. What do you notice about the use of colour in the Blue Valentine poster in comparison to the other posters? How does this change the mood of the film if indeed it does? What do you notice about their costume in comparison to the others - what mood is this trying to create? Do you like this poster?
5. How do the awards on the posters of Blue Valentine and Like Crazy affect you as an audience? Does it make you wan to see it more or less?


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